“A Peaceful Place” by Maria Barbieri

I’m truly delighted to finally share with you A Peaceful Place, an instrumental track by Maria Barbieri featuring Mohini Dey on bass, Larry Crowe on drums and myself on keyboards.

Maria was kind enough to want me on board on this instrumental journey, and even kinder to refuse collaborations with keyboard players much more famous and capable than me.

Maria is a super talented guitar player that wanted to focus on her solo career after joining the band Big Big Train on their last tour. She spoke about this collaboration some months ago and I was very excited to arrange and record keyboards for her, even more so after she played that killer guitar solo on the title track of my solo album The 2nd Coming.

She then asked to record a playthrough of the song in order to create a full band video.
This is the result:

I’m thinking about sharing the full keyboards angle someday soon.

Enjoy the song!


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