My debut solo album came out on January 14, so today marks the 2nd week of The 2nd Coming!
(Generally people writes something after one week, one month etc. but I wanted so much to write this pun in the title that I waited 7 days more.)

What happened up to now?
The official video of Chasing Next reached 1000+ views, my Spotify profile has 100+ monthly listeners, some songs were featured on web radios like the canadian one Terra Incognita and the dutch SymfoZone (that made The 2nd Coming “album of the week”), some great reviews appeared, like the one on the most important rock/metal website in Italy, or the very in-depth one by Max Salari here or this one stating that “The 2nd Coming is a prog gem worth to dive in and explore”.
As a side note, the album also appeared on multiple suspicious websites where lots (hundreds!) of unauthorized downloads were made and I have mixed feelings about it. It surely means more people listening to my music, but I don’t think this will help in finding contracts for new releases in the years to come. Is piracy still a thing in 2022? Please, consider buying from official sources, so that people who trusted me will willingly invest on my work next time.
So, I really enjoyed these two weeks and I can’t wait to write the next post: “The 2nd month of The 2nd Coming” lol.